Vegbox is an app that showcases local produce and allows users to purchase items directly from vendors. Items are then packaged and delivered to user’s houses in a simple “vegbox.”

Project type
Personal practice
3 days
My role
Branding, UX, UI
Logo, icon set, basic branding guide, app mockup

Project brief

The city council of Boulder, Colorado received special funding to help connect local food suppliers to customers. They came up with a concept called Vegbox - a system that aims to help small businesses grow and encourage healthy, sustainable living amongst communities. Vegbox allows users to search for local produce and purchase items that are then delivered to their doorstep. The council requested branding and mock-up app screens to further the system’s development.


Council members wanted a design that was colorful, attractive, modern, and easy to use. They also requested small icons for each of their main food categories: fruits, vegetables, baked goods, meat, and dairy products. When starting the design process for this project, I began brainstorming and working through ideas of each food category icon. I also began thinking about the overall branding of the app.

After finalizing my food category icons, I then moved to thinking about the app features and overall architecture. A quick diagram of the app’s layout and flow helped me prioritize the screens I needed to make for the high-fidelity mock-up.

And then I started sketching screens…

The Solution

I am pleased with what I was able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. This exercise taught me how to timebox and the importance of having a solid project plan before diving into execution. While I could have easily created an entire app flow, I had to remind myself to keep focusing on the client’s deliverables and the timeframe I was working with.

VR marketing pack